Gold Coast/Ghana Slave Forts and Castles Project

Cape Coast Castle southern wall facing Atlantic Ocean

Cape Coast Castle
southern wall facing Atlantic Ocean

Cape Coast Castle near main entrance

Cape Coast Castle
near main entrance

Slavery Monument Goree Island, Senegal

Slavery Monument
Goree Island, Senegal

‌Door of No Return Cape Coast Castle

Door of No Return
Cape Coast Castle

Maison des Esclaves

Maison des Esclaves (House of Slaves),
Goree Island, Senegal. 
Passageway leading to Door of No Return

Gun and leg irons used in enslavement:  museum, House of Slaves,  Goree Island, Senegal.

Gun and leg irons used in enslavement: 
museum, House of Slaves, 
Goree Island, Senegal.

Tombs of Rev. Philip Quacoe, Captain George Maclean and Letitia E. Landon, wife of Captain George Maclean, Cape Coast Castle Courtyard.

Tombs of Rev. Philip Quacoe, Captain
George Maclean and Letitia E. Landon,
wife of Captain George Maclean,
Cape Coast Castle Courtyard.